about me

Hey there!
My name is Nhat-Thi Bauernfeind but you can call me Thi-Thi (TT)!

I am a student at Arizona State University, majoring in Digital Audiences with minors in both
Digital Media Literacy and Sustainability. Right now this site is used to showcase my work in various courses but I hope to expand this site in the future to include more of my personal endeavors. As you read through my blogs about Digital Media Literacy, I hope that you are able to learn along side me in this ever changing digital world we live in. I am no expert in any of these subjects but I am passionate about learning and expanding my knowledge in many areas of life and academics. The information shared in my blog posts come from both my own personal research and course materials given to me from my professors. Thank you for following along on my journey and taking the time to read my words!
